It is traditional that several times each year, loved ones who have passed are memorialized, including on the annual anniversary of the death, known as the yahrzeit. Please let us know the dates for loved ones for which you would like Kaddish recited each year. We traditionally determine the yahrzeit date based on the Hebrew calendar. In addition to lighting a 24-hour yahrzeit calendar and attending services to recite Kaddish, it is common to honor your loved one’s Jewish legacy with tzedakah (charitable giving) to a synagogue. At Temple Shalom, several weeks before the Hebrew anniversary date, you will receive a reminder of the weekend at which Kaddish will be recited for your loved one, along with an opportunity to honor them with tzedakah. Please feel free to discuss the history behind this tradition of tzedakah with our rabbis.
Memorial Plaque
Consider honoring the memory of a loved one in perpetuity with a Memorial Plaque to be displayed in perpetuity in Temple Shalom’s sanctuary. Plaques are moved on the loved one’s yahrzeit to the chapel or other service location when Shabbat services are not in the sanctuary.
Please contact our Executive Director, at ten.molahselpmet@ridcexe, or 301-587-2273 if you are interested in more information.