Full partners in the spiritual renaissance taking place in the Reform movement, Temple Shalom has responded to members' desires for more - and more meaningful - celebrations throughout the year.
Our growing calendar now includes a Second Day Rosh HaShanah service, congregational sukkah buildings hosted at the homes of congregants, a Sukkot service and dinner under the Temple’s sukkah, and a Clergy Matzah Brei Cook-Off in conjunction with the morning service the first day of Passover.
Festival Morning Services now take place at their traditional times, often as joint services with other area Reform congregations.
For Passover, Temple Shalom enjoys First Night Seders at home and has enjoyed a community Second Night Seder organized by the Temple Shalom Sisterhood (including virtual seders during the pandemic).
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Andrew Maayan, Executive Director at 301-587-2273.

High Holy Days

Please join us for a meaningful and inspiring High Holy Days experience at Temple Shalom. Click below to see our schedule and more information.