Explore Our Music

Music Makes Community

At Temple Shalom music is central to the spirit of our worship, our study and our community. From religious school, to adult learning, Friday Evening services to Saturday minyanim, Bar/Bat/Simchat Mitzvot, concert programming and life cycle events, Jewish music brings us together to sing, pray and celebrate as a community.

The music programs at Temple Shalom includes a wide range of the Jewish musical styles, from traditional to contemporary, folk to choral, camp to formal. Everyone is encouraged to participate raising their voices in song — and expressing Jewish spirit.

Musical Shabbat services throughout the year — with participating choirs of all ages including youth, teen, adult and guest choirs, worship bands and instruments as well as yearly artists-in-residence – provide opportunities to participate in innovative styles of worship and reconnect with our shared and treasured tradition.

Open to anyone who loves to sing, our Shir Shalom adult choir participates in our special Music Shabbat services the third Friday of every month. Music includes a wide range of styles from folk to Sephardic, from Chassidic to Classical Reform. No prior musical experience is necessary, but you must love to sing. We invite and encourage you to join us every Wednesday evening for an enjoyable and uplifting 90 minutes of practice from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

The Temple Shalom Youth Choir (TSY Choir) participates in Family Services the first Friday of every month at 7:30pm as well as singing in programs in the community.

TSY Choir is open to all students in grades 2 through 6 and rehearses from 11:30am-12:00pm every Sunday that religious school is in session.

The teen choir rehearses on every Sunday that religious school is in session from 5-6pm in the Cantor's Office.

Cantor Zeevi

Meet Our Cantor

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