TaSTY Youth Groups at Temple Shalom provide a community to make friends, become a leader, and have fun in a Jewish setting! We can’t wait to see you there! TaSTY is affiliated with NFTY, the Union for Reform Judaism’s year-round youth program. NFTY provides teens a Jewish “home-away-from-home” to help build long lasting friendships and memories.
For more information, contact Xani Pollakoff, TaSTY Youth Group Director: ten.molahselpmet@ffokallopx

TaSTY Sr welcomes all 8th – 12th graders to engage in social hang outs like Murder Mystery nights, Tikkun Olam opportunities such as helping at A Wider Circle, religious and cultural experiences such as Shabbat Sha-Sushi nights, and so much more. TaSTY Sr. also provides leadership opportunities. We invite teens to work in our Religious School classrooms as Ozerim (helpers). All teens are invited to help out during our Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur children programming.
A Youth Representative serves as a Voting Trustee to the Temple's Board of Trustees to ensure that the voice of Temple youth is part of Temple-wide strategic planning.
Upcoming Calendar: Check back soon!
TaSTY Jr. invites all 6th-8th graders to come have fun and make memories through exciting and active social and religious programming such as Bowling Havdalah, Shabbat Movies nights, and so much more. 8th graders can also attend all TaSTY Sr. programs.
Upcoming Calendar: Check back soon!
TaSTY Kids youth group is for our youngest community members to build friendships around Jewish holidays such as Shabbat, Passover, and Hannukah! Come join our Chocolate Seder, our Hannukah party, and a Shabbat Sh’fun day!
Upcoming Calendar: Check back soon!
Beyond our TaSTY Youth Groups, Temple Shalom also offers a wide range of youth engagement to help form strong Jewish bonds, including its Temple Teen Mitzvah Day, our Youth Israeli Dance group called Zohoar, and Youth and Teen Choirs. The Temple also offers robust youth-oriented programming surrounding holidays and festivals, including High Holy Day youth services and programming and the area’s best Purim carnival.
Questions? Ask Missy Mandell, Director of Congregational Engagement: ten.molahselpmet@yssim
Temple Shalom strongly encourages its youth to participate in mid-Atlantic regional URJ/NFTY programs throughout the school year, the URJ Religious Action Center’s L’Taken social justice program, and youth programming at the URJ’s Biennial gatherings! We are excited to be involved and encourage our teens to engage with NFTYx programming, an online platform providing an interesting range of activities. Check it out here: onthego.reformjudaism.org.
Each summer, a large contingent of Temple youth descend on the URJ Jewish summer camps up and down the East Coast each summer. And a number of rising 10th graders travel to Israel through the NFTY in Israel, as well as non-URJ Jewish summer camps and programs each summer.
Temple Shalom’s Levinsohn-Feinberg Youth Educational Program Fund, David Mark Gildenhorn Fund, and the Temple Brotherhood offer support for youth to participate in these regional and summer programs. Please contact Rabbi Josh for more information: ten.molahselpmet@hsojibbar