Give to Temple Shalom’s Funds

Temple Shalom has a number of funds that graciously accept your targeted generosity. Please consider speaking with the Temple President, Clergy, or Executive Director to discuss what areas may most be in need of your financial support. And remember that unrestricted gifts offer the best support to your Temple community.

The greatest gift to Temple Shalom is one that ensures that our doors remain open wide to all, regardless of financial need. Gifts that have the greatest impact are often the ones with the greatest flexibility. We therefore strongly encourage giving to Temple Shalom’s General Fund to have the biggest immediate impact.

You may also donate to the General Fund to support specific portions of our Operating Budget including:

  • Religious School tuition support--best way to support Religious School scholarships instead of the Herman Rosenfeld Special Purpose Fund (which has restrictions that limit the value of your gift towards scholarships)
  • Tikkun Olam and Social Justice Work
  • House & Grounds
  • Adult Education
  • Special Programming
  • Membership
  • And More

The Temple Shalom Board each year allocates a portion of dues to support capital work to ensure that our physical Jewish home remains as strong and as beautiful as our spiritual community. We gladly accept additional donations to support that ongoing long term work improving our building and grounds. 

Upon his retirement as Temple Shalom’s Senior Rabbi, Rabbi Kahn asked that in lieu of the typical retirement party, donations be made to establish an Endowment Fund that would help ensure long-term financial health for Temple Shalom. Each year a portion of the earnings of Endowment contributes to the yearly operation of the Temple, while the principal and other earnings continue to grow to provide even more support in the decades to come. Consider supporting Temple Shalom’s generations to come with a donation to the Endowment Fund.  

Rabbi Ackerman, Rabbi Gischner, and Rabbi Kahn each have their own Mitzvah Fund. It is traditional and common to say thank you to our clergy for their work at a life-cycle service or for offering other personal guidance, service, or inspiration through a donation to their Mitzvah Funds. Our clergy use these funds to help others in need or to otherwise support the Temple Shalom, Jewish, and broader community.  

Temple Shalom has a number of Special Purpose Funds to which donations can be made to support specific purposes. Priority funds for donations are:    

  • Levinsohn-Feinberg Jewish Summer Camp Fund: Scholarships to Jewish summer camps for Temple youth. This is a priority fund needing continuous support.  
  • David Mark Gildenhorn Israel Fund: Scholarships for Temple youth to travel to Israel.  This fund is also in need of regular replenishment. 

Other Special Purpose Funds to which you may direct donations are:

  • Adele D. Lewis Memorial Religious School Fund: Professional development for Religious School teachers and the betterment of the Religious School.
  • Burton Hoffman Fund: Special projects related to worship, Madrachim (b’nai mitzvah Torah guides), education, youth engagement, life cycle events, films and media presentations, adult b’nai mitzvah, and otherwise to strengthen member connections to Judaism.   
  • David Rivkind Memorial Flower Fund: Floral and other decorations for Temple Shalom’s services and programs and general beautification of Temple and its grounds.
  • Eli Newberger Speakers Fund: Speaker programs for Temple Shalom including its Brotherhood auxiliary.
  • Herman Rosenfeld Memorial Religious School Scholarship and Social Justice Fund: Support’s Temple Shalom’s pursuit of social justice (including through its Mitzvah Corps), and funds small Religious School scholarships. This fund was originally created to support resettlement of Jewish immigrants to the U.S.
    Due to Rosenfeld Fund restrictions, we strongly urge donations to support Religious School scholarships be made to the General Fund and designated for that purpose. This will give your donation the biggest impact.    
  • Oscar Felker Memorial Educational Enrichment Fund: Educational enrichment for adults and youth, including college scholarships (including for rabbinical/cantorial school), special projects for the Religious School, purchase of reference materials (for library and otherwise), educational trips for members, and Scholars-in-Residence.
  • Sigmund Mayer, Jr. Prayer Book Fund: Prayer books, ritual items, and other support for participation in religious services at Temple Shalom.
  • Stanley and Phyllis Nehmer Special Events Fund: Temple Shalom special events and programming to expand Judaic knowledge, social interaction, continuing education, and arts enrichment.
  • The Tretter Family Music Fund: Special music programming at Temple Shalom including Artists-in-Residence, scholarships for song leaders, shaliach tzibur, and music training camps, musical community outreach, commissioning of music for Shalom, musical education for Temple music groups, and not-otherwise-covered AV equipment.
  • Torat Shalom Torah Study Fund: Torah-related education and programming; Shabbat Morning Torah Study; Torah and ark maintenance and replacement.

To Make a Financial Donation Now


Temple Shalom members, please login to donate:


For non-members, you can donate online here:

You may also mail a check payable to “Temple Shalom” with a note describing its purpose to:

Executive Director
8401 Grubb Rd
Chevy Chase, MD 20815


Temple Shalom
EIN/tax ID number: 52-0729006
8401 Grubb Road
Chevy Chase, MD 20815

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